Friday, December 3, 2010

Xmas Parties, Pramod, and 'The Human Centipede'

It's that time of year again. Fat chicks and office nerds alike rejoyce. Its office Xmas party time!!! Our's ended up being at some suck arse Mexican joint. The trouble with Mexican is that every dish is merely a different combination of cornchips, salsa, beans and guacamole.

The fact that every dish served at this joint looked like a dog had thrown up on a taco didn't help. Nor did the one shot of tequila per margarita jug either. After a 2 hours of solid cocktail swilling I ended up having to order 6 tequila shots just to get me up to the level of drunkeness I felt I should be at.

The following to panels feature Pramod. Pramod is the hairest human I've ever met in my life. Sort of like a hindi Cousin It......

This next Panel will not befunny to any one who doesn't know us personally. In fact its not really funny to them either. I merely slipped it in here to fluff out some space.

We actually had a 'Human Centipede' and Pizza night not too long ago at Pramods house. It wasn't probably the best combination we could have picked however it has left a permanent scar on my psyche that I will never agian be free of

For those of you unfamiliar with the movie 'The Human Centipede' it is a must see for everyone I think. Just wait a while before consumer a meal, Especially if your anus is attached to some ditzy actress' mouth...

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