Thursday, May 13, 2010


Pramod is a graduate engineer currently working in Grade Control. He is a funny guy and I like him a lot. As he is a good sport I tease the shit out of him. He is currently engaged to a nice girl back in India in an aranged marriage. But he doesn't seem fazed. It must be great knowing exactly what date your going to lose your virginity.

We all chucked in for a gift certificate to help him speed things along a bit but its still currently pinned to the wall. Fortunately its personalised otherwise I'm sure someone would have taken it by now.

One the other Grade Contollers was having a bit of a gathering and Pramod decided to invite himself along. He also doesn't drink but he loves his Coke Zero. So I sent everyone this....
He countered with this one. I gotta admit it is kinda funny. But I do think it lacks a certain finesse.

So he wanted a 'demotivational poster' off eh. He was stepping on my home territory and I gladly accepted the challenge.

Here is an assortment of what I sent him and everyone else across the next couple of hours....

Every day at 2pm we have a meeting which has to include a 'safety share' Pramod share was 'when washing your vehicle, be careful which rag you choose cos someone may have have used it as a jizz rag. It took many days and a complete covering of his chair and computer by randomn assorted rags before he lived that one down

Simple, but I think the message is fairly clear.

This one I particularly like cos (a) It looks almost identical to Pramod's dog and (b) it was waiting right there for me on google images. You'd be amazed at what comes up when you search for 'Dog with Dildo'.

Pramods a big fan of Maggi 2 minute noodles - Masala flavour. No, I'd never heard of them either..........

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